I was just visiting the amazing blog of Ali Edwards (look for link on the sidebar). She has a post about picking a word for the year and this concept amazed and inspired me. I have chosen the word JOY, which was inspired by one of my Flybaby friends over on SCS. JOY stands for Jesus, others, you. The Merriam-Webster definition of joy is: 1 a: the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires : delight b: the expression or exhibition of such emotion : gaiety2: a state of happiness or felicity : bliss 3: a source or cause of delight
This year, it is my intention to find the delicate balance of JOY in my life! At least once a month, I intend to write a JOY post to talk about how this journey is going, to reflect on where I've been and where I am going.
For me, JOY started late last year as I began to rebuild my relationship with God and returned to the church. And by doing that, I have undoubtedly improved myself. I am more content with myself, feel more at peace and feel ready to grow into the person God wanted me to be, and that I unfortunately lost for a while. As I have started this journey, I have realized it's time for many changes, some that I have already started, and some that I am building the courage to make. I asked for and received forgiveness from God for mistakes I have made, and am finally at peace with that forgiveness. With my JOY journey, I know there is rebuilding to do in many areas of my life...and I am ready to start construction :)
Some things JOY means to me today...
faith, family, friends
rebuild and renew
peace and happiness
strength and courage
forward movement
learning from mistakes
thankfulness and appreciation
I am so excited for the hope of JOY in 2008. What will your word for 2008 be??